A trademark search carried out before you apply to register a trademark can help you decide whether your trademark is available to use for your goods or services in the markets that you compete in, or whether it might conflict with an earlier trademark right.
A logo or trademark cannot look or sound identical or confusingly like an existing trademark for similar goods or services. For some well-known trademarks the goods or services do not even have to be similar. Our trademark search will help you navigate through the minefield of earlier trademark rights and we offer three types of trademark clearance searches to fit your needs.
Basic Trademark Search
Our Basic Trademark Search helps clients narrow their shortlist of word or logo trademarks. It is an identical name search that covers all classes in Irish, Community and UK Trademark registers. It’s cheap, fast and we sell them in bundles of five so you can search different names and variations quickly and cost effectively.
Clearance Trademark Search And Report
Our comprehensive Clearance Trademark Search is recommended to obtain a more detailed report from trademark specialists. This search provides an all-class identical and similar trademark name search, highlighting related classes, covering Irish, Community, UK and WIPO International (Madrid Protocol Irish /UK Designation) registers as well as common law searches. Common law searches include Irish and UK company names, Irish business names, IEDR and .com domains and general search. Our trademark attorney will advise on your trademark, relevant classes and goods and services descriptions.
RTM Hylights Search
Even if you do not obtain a formal trademark search in advance of asking us to apply to register a trademark for your business, we include a search of identical and related classes in the trademark register that you want to register your trademark in. This can highlight potentially conflicting registered trademarks (‘RTMs’) or recently lapsed trademarks that could lead to objections from the trademarks office and oppositions from earlier trademark holders. While it does not replace a more comprehensive trademark search, our RTM Hylights Search can help avoid some of the more obvious risks that your trademarks might encounter.