about registered trademarks and other common questions
A trademark can be a brand name, logo or slogan, and it can even be more unusual, like a colour or a sound. But what it does is simple. It helps existing and potential customers choose to buy your products or services.
Like any other asset or property owned by your business, you should protect your trademark. This can be a complex area, but in the hands of an experienced trademark agent, you’ll be assured of insightful advice, professional service and most importantly, you can be confident that you’ve done what you can to protect your trademark. At TMR Fitzsimons, we have the expertise to deal with all of your trademark needs.
As you start to undertake your trademark project, here are some of the most common questions about trademarks and registered trademarks that we are asked. Just click on your questions to see the answers and to find out more, you can also go to these pages to see why you should register a trademark and how a trademark is infringed.